sabato 9 giugno 2012

giovedì 31 maggio 2012

40x50 cm
oil on canvas
"the vote on the modern time"....."il voto al tempo dei tempi moderni"

40x50 cm.

"a death nature for my grandma"
a death nature with a tipical plant of my territory

40x50 cm.
post sketch with little changes :)
"modern Mag Ritte"


a sketch of a my canvas

a little death nature
15x10 cm
oil on canvas

30x40 cm

"the modern Adamo's creation"......"la moderna creazione di Adamo"
pencil on canvas

basilian potreit

a project of my old school :D


" il culto della distruzione "...... " worhship of the destruction"

this is my vision of a situation of Taranto......a city of Mediterraneo that is decaying by the dioxine of a factory of the death